EKS is a nongovernmental organisation specialised in adult education, career coaching and counselling. It was founded in September 2002 and currently employs 10 staff and 3 volunteers. Our work is focussed on:
– Individual and group career counselling and coaching (job seeking, balancing work and family, personal development, competence mapping)
– Training individuals and organisations (theory and practice in career counselling, management and soft skills, self-development courses)
– Cooperation with schools, universities and stakeholders in the field of education focused on improving the quality of career guidance for adults and children (both on regional and national levels)
– Research and pedagogy (publishing methodologies and training books on education and career counselling, developing new training methods, issuing studies on gender and migration)
– Implementing projects both on national and international levels focused on promoting equal opportunities and integration.
Our target group is rather large. We are working with different disadvantaged groups (long-term unemployed persons, women on maternity and parental leave, elderly, migrants) as well as professionals in the field of counselling and education (teachers, trainers, career counsellors and coaches). We are also working with pupils in primary schools. EKS is accredited by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic.